崔 平 研究员 博士生导师 所长
Tel: +86-574-8791 1128
Fax: +86-574-8668 5163
E-mail: cuiping@nimte.ac.cn
崔 平,中科院宁波材料所所长,中科院朱李月华优秀教师奖、中科院第三届“十大杰出妇女”获得者。作为主要研究人员,曾获中科院科技进步一等奖、中科院自然科学二等奖、常州市科技进步二等奖,曾获中科院院长奖学金、安徽省人民政府特殊津贴、国务院特殊津贴、宁波市科技创新推动奖。
1987.6 – 1988.8:作为联合培养博士研究生赴德国Saarlandes大学新材料研究所从事纳米材料研究;
1993.7 – 1995.3:安徽省拓普高新技术公司工作;
1983.5 – 2004.6:历任中国科学院固体物理研究所1 – 4届党委委员;
1991.6 – 1993.6:任中国科学院内耗与固体缺陷开放研究实验室副主任;
1993.7 – 1995.3:任安徽省拓普高新技术公司总经理,法人代表;
1995.3 – 1999.12:任中国科学院固体物理研究所副所长,96年底起,兼任科技处长;
2000.1 – 2001.11:任中国科学院固体物理研究所常务副所长,法人代表,主持固体所的全面工作(任期四年);
2001.11 – 2004.6:任中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院副院长、中国共产党中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院委员会纪委书记兼中国科学院固体物理研究所所长。
2004.6 – :任中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所所长。
•国家自然科学基金:材料中晶界的微观结构与性能联系的实验与理论研究(1992.1 - 1994.12,项目编号:19104008);
•晶界内耗峰微观机制和应用研究(2003.01 – 2005.12,项目编号:10274085)。
•中国科学院“九五”重大项目“人造超原子体系结构和物性的研究”中的子课题:介孔组装体系的制备与物性研究(1998.1 – 2000.12)(结题评价为优)。
•国家863项目:PET/纳米复合材料及其应用(2003-2005),已经结题 。
1.Xue FH, Fei GT, Wu B, Cui P, and Zhang LD, Direct Electrodeposition of Highly Dense Bi/Sb Superlattice Nanowire Arrays, J.Am.Chem.Soc., 127(2005)15348-15349.
2.Shang LY, Shui JP, Cai B, Cui P Reconsideration of anelastic relaxation peaks in pure aluminium CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 22(9)(2005)2338-2341.
3.He H, Fei GT, Cui P, Zheng K, Liang LM, Li Y, Zhang LD Relation between size and phase structure of gallium: Differential scanning calorimeter experiments PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 72(7)(2005)073310.
4.Liu WT, Tian XY, Zheng J, Cui P Excitation dependence of the photoluminescence in poly(ethylene terephthalate ACTA POLYMERICA SINICA, (4)(2005)637-640.
5.Liang LM, Fei GT, Shui JP, Cui P, Wu B, Chen XM, Lui KT High precise internal friction calculation for force vibration mode CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 22(8)(2005)2109-2111.
6.Shi Y, Cui P, Kong QP, Jiang WB, Winning M Internal friction peak in bicrystals with different misorientations PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 71(6)(2005)060101.
7.Wu YC, Yang Y, Li Y, Cui P Effect of addition of alumina sol on gamma ->alpha phase transformation of ultrafined alumina ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA, 21(1)(2005)79-83.
8.Cai B, Shang LY, Cui P, Eckert J Mechanism of internal friction in bulk Zr65Cu17.5Ni10Al7.5 metallic glass PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 70(18)(2004)184208 .
9.Zheng K, Chen L, Li Y, Cui P Praparation and thermal properties of silica-graft acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene nanocomposites POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, 44(6)(2004)1077-1082.
10.Liu WT, Tian XY, Cui P, Li Y, Zheng K, Yang Y Preparation and characterization of PET/Silica nanocomposites JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 91(2)(2004)1229-1232.
11.Fei GT, Weissmuller J, Wilde G, Rosner H, Huang JB, Cui P, Shui JP Internal friction study of the size-dependent melting of Pb inclusions in an Al matrix INTERFACIAL EFFECTS AND NOVEL PROPERTIES OF NANOMATERIALS SOLID STATE PHENOMENA, 94(2003)41-44.
12.Shi Y, Cai B, Kong QP, Cui P, Gottstein G The effect of Ga on internal friction of pure Al before and after deformation JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 38(9)(2003)1895-1899.
13.Huang JB, Fei GT, Shui JP, Cui P, Wang YZ Preparation and internal friction of nanoscale gallium droplets PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH, 194(1)(2002)167-172.
14.Chen SH, Fei GT, Cui P, Zhang LD Optical absorption of nanoscale indium particles in ordered array PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH, 191(1)(2002)317-321.
15.Cai B, Kong QP, Cui P, Lu L, Lu K Creep behavior of cold-rolled nanocrystalline pure copper SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 45(12)(2001)1407-1413.
16.Wang YZ, Cui P, Wu XJ, Huang JB, Cai B Internal friction of nanocrystalline silver PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH, 186(1)(2001)99-104.
17.Cai B, Kong QP, Cui P, Cong HT, Sun XK Internal friction of nanocrystalline aluminum prepared by plasma evaporation and compaction SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 44(7)(2001)1043-1048.
18.Chen SH, Fei GT, Cui P, Cheng GS, Zhu Y, Zhu XG, Zeng ZY, Zhang LD Preparation of macroscopic two-dimensional ordered array of indium nanodots JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 18(1)(2000)10-12 .